Assist in cleaning up unnecessary files and junk from your computer or laptop, which may be causing slow performance or internet issues. If your computer is infected with a virus, we can help with that too. We require you to be at home or in the office for at least 4 hours, as we will guide you through the cleanup process using a remote access app or software. We will provide you with an access link and conduct a video call to walk you through the steps.
Our data migration services can help clean up unnecessary files from your computer, improve its performance, and assist with virus removal. We will guide you through the process via remote access, requiring approximately 4 hours of your time. Additionally, we can help transfer your old pictures and documents to other data storage options, requiring approximately 2 hours of your time. Let us help you manage your data effectively and improve your device's performance.
Fee: $89.99
How long it takes: approximately 6 hours
If you have forgotten your password for social media platforms or email accounts, our password recovery service can help. We specialize in recovering passwords for platforms such as Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, Hotmail, Yahoo Mail, Gmail, and others. Additionally, we can assist in setting up Two-Step Factor Authentication to enhance your password security. To provide assistance, we will guide you through the process remotely using an access link and a video call or videophone walkthrough. Please be available at home or in the office for at least 2 hours for this service.
Fee: $49.99
How long it takes: approximately 2 hours